Papers of Dr. Herbert Battles Tanner of Kaukauna, Wis., consisting of local history materials, records of business affairs in Wisconsin and Mexico, correspondence while state supervisor of illuminating oils, 1894-1900, and monthly reports of subordinate district oil inspectors, 1895-1897. There is correspondence and printed material, 1901-1908, concerning the management of the Rio Tamasopo Sugar Company in San Luis Potosi, Mexico, a company in which Tanner and a brother were financially interested, and correspondence, bills, and receipts, 1899-1903, connected with Tanner's operation of a Kaukauna drug store. Correspondence and miscellaneous material tell of Tanner's activities as Kaukauna's first health officer; as secretary of the Fox River Valley Medical Association; as a physician, with emphasis on his services as local representative of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad and other corporations; as mayor of Kaukauna, 1888-1896; as an investor in the Kaukauna Electric Light Company; as an active member of the South Kaukauna Congregational Church; of his candidacy for Congress in 1900; and of his work on local history, particularly the career of Captain Hendrick Aupaumut, his own genealogy, and the Stockbridge and Menominee Indians. Filed with the papers is a box containing documents from the office of a notary public near Mexico City dealing with lawsuits, 1739-1865; registers of electors in Kaukauna in 1896; and a ledger, 1894-1897, of a firm of Kaukauna druggists. The processed portion of this collection is summarized above with further details in the register; there are additional accessions which are described below.